Interactive Brokers C++ API & ExSan xsn 898772

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Start:  2022-Apr-12 07:13:30

xsn 898772

High Frequency Trading - Low Latency Trading

ExSan & Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation Application Programming Interface (TWS API) Real Time Analysis.

Trader WorkStation C++ API Guide
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Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation API Ver 9.80.03 IDE MSFT Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) ve_VS17.1.3@API_9.80.03@04.22.a
Lapse of Time: 33 seconds this JOB UTC-TIME 2022-Apr-12 12:13:31

Exsan with +100K lines of source code, is a dynamic console-oriented spreadsheet software I have conceived, created and developed. It is capable of handling extremely large data sets and performing complex calculations and analysis.
ExSan does Real Time Data (RTD -worth to say NO HISTORICAL DATA-) tick-by-tick live(instant) data analysis using Interactive Brokers C++ API.
IB allows to zoom up to 30 seconds candle graph, ExSan scrutinizes data behavior beyond that limit, it is suitable for Low Latency Trading and in general for High Frequency Quant
ExSan is already plugged-in to Interactive Brokers C++ API.

GbpUsdFx Eastern Time from 2022-Apr-12 07:13:30.940771 to 07:14:04.319069

The following graphs depict the same data though expressed in groups of n-ticks

Interactive Brokers max zoom to 30 seconds candle

ExSan does break the limit of IB, here some graphs that allow to see how data behave in reality in the stated lapse of time 33 seconds

5 Ticsk/Candel Bar

6 Ticsk/Candel Bar

7 Ticsk/Candel Bar

9 Ticsk/Candel Bar

11 Ticsk/Candel Bar

12 Ticsk/Candel Bar

13 Ticsk/Candel Bar

14 Ticsk/Candel Bar

15 Ticsk/Candel Bar

16 Ticsk/Candel Bar

21 Ticsk/Candel Bar

22 Ticsk/Candel Bar

23 Ticsk/Candel Bar

24 Ticsk/Candel Bar

27 Ticsk/Candel Bar

Interactive Brokers zoom to 30 seconds candle

ExSan Elapsed Time:->55.0373

End:2022-Apr-12 07:14:25


ExSan _VS17.1.3@API_9.80.03@04   API_ver = 9.80.03 Boost version: 1.72.0© Registered TRADEMARK ExSan

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