Interactive Brokers C++ API & ExSan xsn 877869

Previous Post Next Post Start: 2022-Apr-25 09:35:48 xsn 877869 High Frequency Trading HFT - Low Latency Trading LLT ExSan -Real Time tick-by-tick Analysis- & C++ Interactive Brokers Trader Workstation Application Programming Interface ( IB C++ API Guide ) ExSan Tweeter ****************** Exsan, with +100K lines of source code, is a dynamic console-oriented spreadsheet software I have conceived, created and developed. It is capable of handling extremely large data sets and performing complex calculations and analysis. ExSan is my own C++ version of Excel! ExSan does Real Time Data RTD tick - by - tick live(instant) analysis using Interactive Brokers C++ API . I. Brokers trader workstation zooms graphs up to 30 seconds/candle, ExSan scrutinizes da...